It is the competitor’s responsibility to know, understand and adhere to all Federal, State and Local Regulations regarding the use and transportation of firearms, including all applicable National Firearms Act(NFA) regulations related to the construction, transportation and use of any firearm regulated by NFA rules.
1. For the purposes of The Tactical Games Sniper Challenge, the entire property of the match location and its associated ranges, trail, encampments, roads, vehicles, structures, and dwellings will be considered a COLD range. Firearms may only be loaded at the direction of a match official.
1.1 When required by the stage brief, firearms may be made ready before starting a stage only under the direct supervision and after the direction of a Range Officer while in a designated shooting area. This includes inserting magazines (empty or otherwise).
1.1.1 Stage starting condition and location for firearms will be clearly stated in each stage brief.
1.1.2 Some stages will start with firearms in transport condition, empty chamber, magazine out, hammer or striker down.
1.1.3 Some stages will start with firearms in hand, magazine out, bolt back.
1.1.3 Some stages will start with firearms in hand, magazine in, empty chamber.
1.1.4 Some stages will start with firearms staged magazine inserted, empty chamber bolt back.
1.2 Firearms will be unloaded and cleared to transport condition under the direct supervision and visually inspected by a Range Officer before a shooter leaves the designated shooting area.
1.2.1 After completing a stage firearms will be cleared and transported from stage to stage in transport condition.
1.2.2 Transport condition includes: empty chamber with magazine out, bolt closed and hammer or striker down.
1.3 No participant, official, range staff, or support personnel will consume or be under the influence of any alcohol, drug, or mind-altering substance while engaged in shooting activities of any kind. Anyone found doing so will be disqualified and removed from the property immediately.
1.3.1 Any participant, official, range staff, or support personnel under the influence of any prescription medication that renders said person impaired, will be stopped, removed from competition, and may be asked to leave the premises
1.4 Eye protection will be worn by all competitors, staff, and spectators while firearms are in use on the zero range or on competition stages.
1.5 Ear protection will be worn by all competitors, staff, and spectators while firearms are in use on the zero range or on competition stages.
1.6 All gear intended to be used during the match must be transported with you through all shooting evolutions and the long movement.
2.1 Match disqualifications will result in the competitor being stopped, removed from the shooting area, disqualified from the match, and possibly removed from the property depending on the severity of the infraction or offense. https://thetacticalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Tactical-Games-Utah-2023-9365-scaled-e1695821518680-1.jpgs will stop the competitor, render their firearms safe, remove the competitor from the shooting area and notify the Rangemaster. The Rangemaster will review the infraction and may issue the disqualification or return the competitor to the match. The Match Director will have the final decision and the decision will be final. If a competitor is disqualified from the match they will not be eligible for any prizes, compensation, or refunds.
2.1.1. Safety related offenses that will result in a match disqualification include, but are not limited to: Negligent discharge during loading, unloading, clearance of a malfunction, or any other remedial action.
2.1.2 Failure to maintain positive control of a loaded firearm. This includes dropping, bobbling, mishandling, or losing a loaded weapon from a securement device such as a holster, sling, or scabbard.
2.1.3 Abandoning a loaded firearm in an unsafe manner wherein it does not stay within the confines of the prescribed abandonment container or position.
2.1.4 Sweeping, flagging, or muzzling themselves, a teammate, another competitor, spectator, or staff member with a firearm during a stage.
2.1.5 Discharging a firearm into a stage prop or hard surface closer than 10 feet from the competitor.
2.1.7 Breaking the 180° to the stage field muzzle safe zone or plane as described in the stage or shooters brief.
2.2 Other offenses that will result in a match disqualification.
2.2.1 Cheating, purposefully impeding another competitor, lying, altering scorecards, altering targets, or altering props to gain a competitive advantage either before, during, or after the stage or competition.
2.2.2 Altering any of the their own, their teammates, or a competitor’s firearms, optics, ammunition, or required equipment from the prescribed condition that is specified in the match rules or written stage brief.
2.2.3 In the case of a blind, observation or similar type stage, sharing stage details with competitors who have not shot a stage will be considered cheating and will be grounds for a match DQ.
2.2.4 Leaving any stages blind holding area with the intent of learning details of the stage like target location, distance, shooting position etc.
2.2.5 Shooting prohibited ammunition or designated primary or secondary calibers.
2.2.6 Conduct deemed unsportsmanlike by the Rangemaster or Match Director.
2.2.7 If one teammate is DQ’ed, the other teammate may finish the match by themselves, no further stages will be scored.
3.1 Competitors will conduct themselves in a polite, courteous, and respectful manner at all times.
3.1.1 The Rangemaster or Match Director may assess penalties (ranging from loss of points and up to and including disqualification from a stage or the match) to competitors who repeatedly demonstrate conduct deemed unsportsmanlike, unsafe, and not in the interest of a fair and equitable competition.
3.2 If a squad is running late on a stage because of their lazy conduct and the next squad shows up on time, the entire late squad will receive zero points, regardless of if they have shot it or not and move to the next stage. This does not apply to delays caused by weather or target/prop failure.
4. Competitors with documented physical disadvantages may be given a pre-approved alternative to the written stage brief but may incur a penalty. Every attempt will be made to accommodate these disadvantages with an equitable alternative but no advantage will be allowed to any competitor. Requests must be made prior to the beginning of the stage and must be approved by the Match Director.
4.1 Under very special and extreme circumstances reshoots will be granted at the discretion of the Rangemaster or Match Director.
4.2 Reshoots will not be granted for competitors suffering from firearm, ammunition, gear or other mechanical malfunctions.
4.3 Reshoots will not be granted for competitors that do not understand the stage briefs, movement required, target distribution between team members and stage time limits.
Cartridges in question may be disassembled, weighed, measured, and fired from the competitor’s firearm through a chronograph to determine if the cartridges are within the rules. The Match Director will determine if this is to be done and will supervise all such activities with a witness from the match staff and two competitors chosen at random.
5.1. Rifle
5.1.1 Laser Range Finders are permitted
5.1.2 No restrictions on rifle muzzle devices
5.1.3 No magnum calibers permitted
5.2.1. Rifle Ammunition
5.2.2. No armor piercing, penetrator, incendiary, steel core, or steel jacketed projectiles will be allowed. Minimum caliber allowed for all rifles is .223 Remington/5.56×45. Maximum parameters for rifle cartridges: Maximum diameter for rifle projectiles is 0.308” Maximum weight for rifle projectiles is 220 grains +/- 5 grains. Maximum velocity for rifle projectiles is 3200 FPS +/- 25 FPS for a 5 shot string average.
5.3. Handgun
5.3.1 Slide mounted Red Dot or Iron Sights. No frame mounted red dot sights. Max of 140mm magazines. Comps, ports, lights, etc. are allowed. Must be iron sight or slide ride dot only, No frame mounted dots.
5.3.2 Pistol must be holstered when not being carried in a bag.
5.3.3 Pistol Ammunition Minimum caliber allowed for handguns is 9mm
6.1. Each team will carry and use in competition two rifles and two pistols.
6.2 Each team must use at least one rifle chambered in EITHER .223 Remington/5.56×45 OR .308 Winchester/7.62×51 The other rifle for the team may be of any caliber provided it does not exceed the minimum and maximum parameters described in sections 5.1and 5.3. It does not matter if it’s a bolt or gas gun for either shooter. Primary gun max distance is 800 yards and Secondary max distance is 800 yards.
6.3.1 Each team must declare a Primary and a Secondary shooter. This designation may not be changed during the match.
The Primary shooter must shoot the Primary rifle at all times, and the Secondary shooter must shoot the Secondary rifle at all times, except when stage briefs require otherwise.
6.3.2 If on a long movement, all divisions will carry everything with them that they start the day with. You may not abandon any equipment, clothing or gear. Nothing but empty cartridge casings may be abandoned.
6.3.3 The distribution of gear between the team members while traveling between stages can be determined by the teams and can change throughout the event. Rifles can be carried in hand, slung or in rucks. Rifles must be transported in safe condition. Pistols can be carried in a positive retention holster or packed away. Pistols must be transported in safe condition.
6.4 Both teammates are required to wear plate carriers weighing a minimum of 15lbs, 12lbs for women.
6.4.1 Rifles may be bolt or gas. One team member’s rifle must be a .223/5.56 or .308
6.4.2 One team member must have a max magnification of 10x on their rifle optic. No secondary optic with higher magnification will be allowed on that rifle.
6.4.3 Pistol is required
6.5 Both teammates are required to wear plate carriers weighing a minimum of 8lbs, 6lbs for women.
6.5.1 Rifles may be bolt or gas. One team member’s rifle must be a .223/5.56 or .308
6.5.2 One team member must have a max magnification of 10x on their rifle optic. No secondary optic with higher magnification will be allowed on that rifle.
6.5.3 Pistol is required.
6.6 No plate carrier required for either team member
6.6.1 Rifles may be bolt or gas. One team member’s rifle must be a .223/5.56 or .308
6.6.2 One team member must have a max magnification of 10x on their rifle optic. No secondary optic with higher magnification will be allowed on that rifle.
6.6.3 Pistol is required.
7.1 You may carry any equipment that they feel will benefit their performance.
7.2 Allowable equipment includes: LRFs, spotting scopes, binoculars, tripods, wind meters, PDAs, ballistic computers, bipods, shooting bags, rucksacks, writing utensils, notebooks, calculators, data books, slings, shooting supports, etc.
7.3 On the long movement, hiding, staging, or discarding any equipment, ammunition, food, clothing or any other items to avoid carrying them or with the intent of returning for them later will be considered cheating and will result in an immediate disqualification from the match.
8.1 Some stages will include blind holding areas where the stage layout cannot be seen.
8.1.1 Any competitor leaving any blind holding area with the intent of learning details of the stage like target location, distance, shooting position etc. will be disqualified from the match immediately.
8.1.2 Some stages will allow for inspection of the stage layout and identification of targets beforehand.
8.2 Stage brief will be read clearly and without interruption by the Range Officer two times.
8.2.1 Five minutes will be allowed for competitors to ask questions regarding the stage and stage brief in a group format unless otherwise stated in the brief.
8.2.2 Range Officers will answer questions in this group format to their best ability.
8.2.3 Range Officers will not explain or depict how previous competitors navigated a stage.
8.3 Range Officers will be fixed and assigned to stages throughout the event to ensure that the stage brief presentation, question/answer time and the details of the stage rules and execution are consistent throughout the shooting of a stage.
8.4 After completing a stage, competitors will be released to a post stage holding area where they are not to communicate with any team that has not yet completed the stage. Stage details regarding target size, location, range, stage execution, etc. are not to be shared between teams that have completed the stage and those that have not.
9.1 The total team score will be the combined total of points that each team member earns.
9.1.1 Primary and Secondary team member scores will not be kept individually.
9.2 Points may be earned by hitting targets with gunfire or successfully completing required non-shooting exercises as described in the stage briefs.
9.3 Point values for targets will be covered in the stage briefs.
9.4 Hits on static steel will be verbally called by the Scorer, unless otherwise stated in the brief.
9.5 Hits on reactive steel will verbally called by the Scorer and will require the target indicator to flash or activate. Such requirements will be clearly stated in the stage briefs.
9.6 Hits on falling steel will be called by the Scorer and will require the steel to fall or disappear. Such requirements will be clearly stated in the stage briefs.
9.7 Paper or cardboard targets may require more than one hit to be neutralized. Such requirements will be clearly stated in the stage briefs.
9.7 Some steel targets may require hits from both team members to score. Such requirements will be clearly stated in the stage briefs.
9.8 Hostage targets that are impacted will be assessed a penalty. Such penalties will be clearly stated in the stage briefs.
9.9 Some stages will require the shooter to communicate to the Scorer which target they are engaging so that the correct target can be observed and scored. In these instances, hits will not be scored if the target was not identified by the shooter and confirmed by the Scorer.
9.9 Misses will not be called by the stage Scorer and stage Scorers will not assist teams in getting on target.
9.10 Each stage is worth 100 points unless otherwise noted in the brief.
10. Phttps://thetacticalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Tactical-Games-Utah-2023-9365-scaled-e1695821518680-1.jpgTESTS AND ARBITRATION
10.1 Disputes between Range Officers, Scorers and competitors will be handled calmly and efficiently. All parties will be respectful and may be confident that every effort will be made to make difficult decisions with fairness. Unfortunately, during competitions, emotions are high, and mistakes can be made. Penalties or disqualifications are not taken lightly. They will be carefully considered, and the appropriate call made.
10.1.1 Protests may not be lodged regarding the scoring of targets. The Scorer’s verbal call stands and is final. Scorers may correct their verbal call if they realize they made a mistake during the stage. This correction can only be made before a team member initials the score sheet confirming their score before leaving the stage.
10.1.2 In situations where a penalty or disqualification is a possibility the Match Director will be summoned into the discussion. The Match Director will do his best to hear both sides of the story and may ask other witnesses to render an opinion. The decision of the Match Director will be final.
10.1.3 The decision to stop a competitor for an unsafe act will be made by the https://thetacticalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Tactical-Games-Utah-2023-9365-scaled-e1695821518680-1.jpg of the stage. The Rangemaster will be summoned to rule on the act. If no resolution can be made, the Match Director will be summoned. The decision of the Match Director will be final.
10.1.4 After the final scores are tabulated and posted a time period of arbitration will be announced. Competitors may dispute the compilation of their final scores. When the time period of arbitration has expired all disputes will be considered final.
10.1.5 The Match Director has the right to change or alter rules for match equity as needed. Any topic not covered in this ruleset is completely up to the Match Director.
11. Awards, Trophies, and prizes will be distributed as follows:
1-5 Competitors in a division: 1st place trophy and prize
6-8 Competitors in a division: 1st and 2nd place trophy and prize
9+ Competitors in a division: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophy and prize
Prize table will only ever be offered for podium finishers.