The Tactical Games: A Competitor’s Guide to Check-In, Judging, and Score Review

The Tactical Games: A Competitor’s Guide to Check-In, Judging, and Score Review

Welcome to The Tactical Games, where athletes push their limits in a unique blend of marksmanship and physical fitness. As a new competitor, understanding the event’s processes is crucial for a smooth experience. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of check-in, judging, and score review.

Decoding the Squad Matrix

The Squad Matrix is your roadmap for the competition weekend. Here’s how to read it effectively:

  • Look for separate sections for Saturday and Sunday
  • Find your assigned athlete number (given at Friday check-in)
  • Locate your squad number in the matrix
  • Note important times:
    • 6:00 AM: Safety brief
    • 6:40 AM: First stage brief
    • Launch times (in pastel colors)

Pro tip: Arrive at your stage or bay at least 15 minutes early with all your gear ready.

Stage Check-In and Preparation

  1. Attend the stage brief at your designated time
  2. Listen carefully to the Range Officer’s (RO) walkthrough
  3. Ask questions about loadout and movement standards
  4. Request a sight picture or approach barricades to adjust positions
  5. Check in with scorekeepers 15 minutes before launch time
  6. Verify your lane and pre-numbered targets
  7. Watch the heat before yours for last-minute insights

Competition Time

When it’s your turn to compete:

  1. Approach the firing line when instructed
  2. Take a sight picture and turn on your red dot (if time permits)
  3. Place your rifle in the rifle box and remove the chamber flag
  4. Complete the stage as instructed
  5. After finishing, remove all gear from the stage

Judging Responsibilities

After competing, you’ll judge the next competitor in your lane:

  1. Collect the necessary tools (stopwatch, clicker, etc.)
  2. Count reps and ensure adherence to movement standards
  3. Monitor safety on the firing line
  4. Confirm “clear” to athletes after the clearing procedure
  5. Report any safety violations immediately

Submitting and Reviewing Scores

  1. Return to the scorekeeper tent immediately after judging
  2. Provide the scorekeeper with:
    • Lane number
    • Athlete number
    • Finish details (time or position at time cap)
  3. Review your own score in the scorekeeper’s binder
  4. Take photos of your score and targets for reference

The Arbitration Process

If you notice discrepancies in your score:

  1. Check for typos, math errors, or uncounted hits
  2. Visit the arbitration tent to address any issues

Understanding Your Score

Your final score consists of:

  • Raw time (converted to seconds)
  • Penalties for misses (typically 10 seconds per miss)


  • Raw time: 10 minutes 21 seconds (621 seconds)
  • 11 misses: 110 seconds in penalties
  • Final score: 731 seconds

By familiarizing yourself with these processes, you’ll be well-prepared for your Tactical Games experience. Remember, the staff is always available to answer questions and ensure you’re comfortable throughout the event weekend.

Get ready to challenge yourself and compete at the highest level. We’ll see you at The Tactical Games!